Legal Note

City of Munich
Department of Labour and Economic Development
München Tourismus
80331 Munich, Germany
Phone.: +49 89 233 96500
Fax: +49 89 233 30249

Represented by Dr. Christian Scharpf
Head of Department

Körperschaft des öffentlichen Rechts/Public corporation
VAT identification number DE 129 524 000
Competent supervisory authority: Government of Upper Bavaria


Settlement of disputes

The European Commission offers a platform for the online settlement of disputes at: Our email address can be found above in the Legal Note. We are not willing or obliged to participate in dispute settlement processes before consumer dispute settlement bodies.



The layout of our website, the images used and all content are protected by copyright. Therefore, these webpages may not be adopted, translated, edited, reproduced, stored or processed in electronic or other formats or used in any other way, other than for private use, without our express consent.



All information on this server is provided without any guarantee of its accuracy. We shall accept no liability for any damages arising from the use of the information accessed on these webpages. Pursuant to Articles 8 to 10 of the TMG, we as a service provider are not obliged to monitor third-party information transmitted or stored in connection with this website, nor are we obliged to check for any circumstances that indicate any illegal activity.


Liability for links

We have no control over the design and content of linked sites and can therefore accept no responsibility for them. The respective operators of the linked sites are exclusively responsible for their content. It is not possible to monitor the content of linked sites on an ongoing basis. Where appropriate, links will be removed when we are informed of any possible legal infringements.

This Legal Note applies to the München Tourismus website as well as other online and social media entities of München Tourismus.