Gasteig in Munich with the Müllersche Volksbad in the front taken from the air with a drone.


Munich's cultural centre

Gasteig has been a centre for cultural life in Munich for over 30 years. Now the building from the 1980s is undergoing a renovation that will take four to five years. During this time, the entire Gasteig programme will take place in the interim “Gasteig HP8“ in Munich's Sendling district.

The impressive red-brick structure of the Gasteig cultural centre is located on the banks of the Isar within eyeshot of the Deutsche Museum (museum). Its elevated position is also how Gasteig got its name: it comes from the phrase “gache Steig”, meaning a steep incline.

Gasteig first opened in 1985 and attracts over 1.8 million visitors a year, who come to experience its wide array of events. The programme ranges from music, theatre, dance, film and exhibitions, to courses, talks, conferences and congresses.

Its various venues contain around 3,500 seats in total. The largest hall, the Philharmonie, has over 2,500 seats, making it Munich’s largest concert hall. Munich Philharmonic and the Bayerische Rundfunk orchestra play here. The Philharmonie also regularly hosts annual general meetings for major companies.

In addition to Munich Philharmonic, Munich Volkshochschule (adult education centre) and the city library are also based at Gasteig. Munich Hochschule für Musik und Theater (University for Music and Theatre) educates future musicians and cultural managers in Gasteig, too.



Photo: Redline Enterprises